
Hi there and thanks for checking out my blog! I’m a mom, registered dietitian, certified diabetes care and education specialist, health writer, and exercise instructor—as you can see I’m not just a little passionate about health and healing!

I created Nutrition Prescriptions as an extra resource for people I see every week with health issues, often with multiple medical conditions, who have endless questions about what to eat and how to feel better. You’ll see a lot of plant foods on my blog because I strongly believe in their healing power, having witnessed it time and again through people battling cancer, heart disease, diabetes, digestive diseases, addictions and many other conditions. I hope to inspire everyone to consider more plant-based meals, not just for health and the environment but because they taste delicious and are completely satisfying. My approach in counseling is holistic, as I too often discover that medical conditions are closely interconnected with not only diet but chronic negative stress, low physical activity, poor sleep, heavy medication dependence, mental health issues, lack of family support, and many other factors that may be unaddressed. Yet these are all key players when creating a personalized nutrition prescription.

You can find me practicing at Brigham and Women’s Hospital and as a science writer at The Nutrition Source for the Harvard School of Public Health, tackling in-depth pieces on food, exercise, sleep, stress, nutrition research, health and disease, and social media trends. I hope that this site can provide some food for thought and inspiration. I also have a faith-based blog Endless Grace that is dedicated to my son Jake.

Nancy Oliveira, MS, RD, LDN, CDCES

🍒The wonderful fruit and vegetable headers were painted by my friend Shauna Biby. Her contact is leealaia@gmail.com for custom work 🍇

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